Celebrating over 60 years of cultivating knowledge and friendship


Friday, 12 August 2011

The new season starts soon

On Tuesday 30th August our guest speaker will be Roger Stuckey from Exmouth who will be giving us an illustrated talk on "A Miscellany of Bulbs".  The meeting starts at 7.30pm at The Memorial Hall, Angel Hill.  Non members fee £1.

Monica will be collecting Flower Show entry forms as the closing date for entries is the next day!

The Aututmn Flower Show is on Saturday 3rd September at The New Hall, Barrington Street.  Exhibitors can start staging from 9am to 10.45am.  The show is open to the public at 2 o'clock.

There will refreshments and a produce stall so why not come along and look at the exhibits and enjoy a cuppa, a piece of homemade cake and a chat.  It is free to enter if you are member and only 50p for non members.

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