Celebrating over 60 years of cultivating knowledge and friendship


Wednesday, 9 April 2008

February Talk

"Walking the Alps from winter into summer"
An illustrated talk by Ivan & Sue Godfrey from Tiverton
A new addition to the programme - a February evening meeting.

Our guests were Tivertonians Ivan and Sue Godfrey who talked about their charity walk in the Alps in 2007. Showing digital slides of their adventure, they explained the geology, geography as well as the flora and fauna of the route on their long distance walk.

Further information and photos of their walk can be found on their website :

As Ivan & Sue are charity fund raisers, the club donated the proceeds of the evening to their nominated charities : Hospicare and Childrens Hospice South West. The sum raised was in excess of £230 which is a fantastic acheivement.

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