Celebrating over 60 years of cultivating knowledge and friendship


Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Christmas Social & Prize Giving

The New Hall was festively decorated for the Club's annual Christmas Social and Prize giving evening.

Table arrangements made by Sue Atkins;
Maggie Roberts
& Tim Nichols

 Best decorated parcel competition won by Janet Billing
 Best hand decorated competition won by Maureen Coldham

Our President Lady Amory presented the winners of the Flower Show with their prizes:

 Maggie Roberts - winner of the decorative section
 Tim & Ros Nichols sharing the runner up cup in the decorative section
 Andrew Hilton receiving his son's cup for Children under 6
 Paige Nichols winning her cup for the 6th year running in the Children over 7

Maureen Coldham winning
the Miscellaneous Cut Flowers section

 Alby Berry with the Bethany Hope Pretty in Pink Cup

 Jean Bennett winning the Trees & Shrubs section

Sue Gollop winning the Pot Plants section

 Ros Nichols winning the photography section

 Jean Bennett winning the Amory Cup for most points on aggegrate
All prize winners with their trophies and our Club President Lady Amory on the far right

Our entertainment - Ukelele Crazy

 Our Val - Val Payne

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Flowers for Fun

Tips and Techniques by Maggie Roberts and Tim Nichols.  A wet and miserable evening drew a lesser crowd than normal but those who made the effort were wowed by Maggie & Tim's natural abilities with flowers.

The seven designs were raffled at the end of the evening.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

The End of the Garden Visits

It's been a topsy turvy year for the monthly garden visits by coach.

This year there has been visits to:
Cotehele in the Spring;

 Rodmartin Manor;

Arlington Court

Trips to Wisley and Lady Farm were cancelled because of lack of support.

Numbers have dewindled and the sub-committee who organise them have taken the view that unless more members participate there won't be any next year.  This was a hard decision but it is a lot of work and responsibility to organise and plan.

If there is anyone willing to take on the job of planning, booking and organising the day trips please contact the Chairman.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Gardens of the South East - September holiday

Members enjoyed a late summer break in September to the Gardens of the South East staying at The Imperial Hotel in Eastboure.  Here are some of the photos taken by Val Payne & Denis Shand

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Summer Flower Show

The late Summer Show at the New Hall at the end of August was a success with the judges saying how good the quality of exhibits were.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Mid Devon Show

In the short time available a table top display with the club notice board was put together by Chad Stone, John Bennett and Ros Nichols.  Chad's beautiful begonias caused quite a sensational amongst visitors as they were very eye catching.

A beautiful hot sunny humid day on set up and show days took its toll on exhibitors and show goers but the show was a huge success with thousands of visitors and through put in the Flower Marquee. With a theme of Preserve & Conserve, there was a bump entry in the open competitive cut flowers & floral arrangments competition.

Congratulations must go to new organiser Brenda Tucker and her band of helpers for making the Marquee full of delights in the flower and garden world.

Our exhibit:

Our take on Preserve & Conserve