Celebrating over 60 years of cultivating knowledge and friendship


Sunday, 15 December 2013

Christmas at the Club

The Christmas Coffee Morning and Bring and Buy was a success at the beginning of December. This was followed by the Social and Prizegiving Evening at The New Hall. Then there was the Christmas Lunch at Oake Manor Golf Club. Photos from the Social & Prizegiving - prizes presented by our Club President Lady Amory      
Paige Nichols
Peter Billing
Mary Sedgbeer
Chad Stone
Val Payne
Margaret Grose
Ian Smith
Peter Billing - second highest aggregate points overall
Chad Stone - Highest aggregate points overall
Competition for the Best Dressed Parcel
Entertainment from the West End Warblers
Raffle Organisers Sue & Maureen

Monday, 14 October 2013

Camellias - all you need to know

October's guest speaker was Jeremy Wilson from the South Hams who talked about his specialist nursery where he culivates many hundreds of varieties of camellias. He brought plants and showed some digital slides of the different ones available. He discussed their care and growing traits. It was a very informative evening.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Autumn Flower Show 2013

A wonderful day is the best way to describe the Autumn Flower Show. Exhibitors and visitors to the show were all pleased to see the wonder of the flowers, foliage and plants on display. Award of Merit winners, winning exhibits and committee pictured below to show you a taste of the occasions

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Garden Visit to Mapperton Manor

Mapperton Manor Gardens are a hidden treasure situated near the picturesque town of Beaminster in Dorset. After a damp start to the day and a visit to the Craft Centre, the afternoon brightened and we had a fabulous day.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Playing catch up......

So I have finally managed to catch up with photos for the blog and the various events that have taken place over the last few months. Take time to go back....! The Autumn Programme is now on here too so look forward to seeing you soon.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Mid Devon Show 2013

The 2013 Flower and Garden Marquee at Mid Devon Show had the theme of the Four Seasons. The Show theme was Cultivating the Future so our talented Design Team came up with creating an orchard and developing the four seasons within it. The design team for 2013 was Janet & Peter Billing; John & Jean Bennett; Rachael Hart; Mary Smith and Ros & Tim Nichols.