The first of the autumn season of talks proved very popular with over 70 people attending. John Bennett, vice-Chairman addressed the audience and introduced the speaker, John Randall from the Devon Wildlife Trust who gave us his very informative talk on the Butterflies of Devon. It was surprising to learn about the number of different species but a little sad that, because of changes in habitats and climate, so many were dwindling in numbers. It was intriguing to see how each butterfly went through its life-cycle and Mr Randall explained the minimal difference between butterflies and moths, being basically the shape of the antenna.
Of special interest were his details of the large Blue which was virtually extinct in 1979, but which has been reintroduced and is now thriving in certain sites on Dartmoor. A result!
The vice Chairman thanked Mr Randall and he proceeded to answer questions over a welcome cup of tea. The next meeting is on 5th October and speaker will be Sally Gregson with talk entitled "Shady Ladies and Damp Damsels".